Thursday, March 31, 2016

UW-Madison should take notes, instead of handing them out

UW-Madison should take notes, instead of handing them out
By Francisco Velazquez

Here we go again…

Did you wake up today and experience something out of the ordinary, like being of color at a PWI?

My friend, PEOPLE Scholar, beautiful human being, Launa Owens was a victim of a threat on the UW-Madison campus earlier today.

Earlier today Launa received a note that was slid under her door that read,  “you fuck with bucky, you fuck with us, fuck you nigger bitch.”

What is UW-Madison campus gonna do this time? Are you going to use your top research facilities and resources to pinpoint where your racism stems from?

I just got back from Spring break after explaining to my parents just how racist this campus is. They told me I should be more careful and try to be safe. I shouldn’t have to be safe if white people on this campus weren’t racist. But let’s not just put all white people into a bubble, we definitely have some Asian-Americans that think their pockets can drown out their pigment. How you doing Matthew?

Anyway, after texting and asking Launa if she was okay, she responded with, “I’ll be fine.” But that shouldn’t be an answer that we have to say when we’re the victims of constant crimes, week after week.

Not to mention that this is a threat. Notice the 4 lines at the bottom of the drawing. There are 4 people in the protest picture and one is crossed out. This happened on my floor, down the hall from where my friend Synovia Knox’s incident occurred just 3 weeks ago.


I am truly tired of arguing with a blank wall and an empty room full of white people who feel that their entitlement stems from their ancestors mistakes.

How far have we come to still feel the need to defend an inanimate object like a fucking mascot over a human being?
My friend Launa will continue going about her day like nothing happened. The privileged little white assholes that did this will continue to watch us protest until the wheels fall off. Walk up Bascom and feel the heat of TheRealUW. (the signs are everywhere)

Again, I ask, we ask, where are white people’s racist confidence in a classroom setting when people of color are present? Do you not feel that your privilege will save you then?

Speak up. Pop off in person. I continue to dare you. But you continue to be anonymous. If you’re gonna be racist, you might as well go all out and show us your face and the dignity your family forgot to give you.

Welcome to UW-Madison where the reparations of brown and black students is still paid in racism. Enjoy the liberal life of a college campus that will defend the attacker, instead of the victim.

‘On Wisconsin(s).

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